- Only 1 team member needs to fill this out.
- 2 Week Challenge running September 16-29
- 3 man team:
- If you recruit a BRAND NEW MEMBER (has NEVER attended class) - 10 points
- If your recruit an OLD FRIEND (does not have a current plan and has not attended in over 1 year) - 5 points
- Both NEW and OLD FRIENDS get 2 weeks unlimited for only $25. Look for Fall Challenge Plan on our subscription page.
- Teams can include no more than 1 coach. Coaches cannot count classes they coach.
- Individual Team Members:
- Must attend 6 classes during the 2 weeks - required, no point value
- Attend a class in all 3 studios - 5 points
- May utilize LIVE VIRTUAL classes for only half (3) of the individual’s classes.
- Team Challenge:
- Attend a grand total of 24 classes combined - required, no point value
- Attend greater than 24 classes - 1 point per class beyond 24 classes. Limit 20 classes per person
- All 3 members attend class in all 3 studios - 5 points
- Attend class together as a team of 3, photograph and post to social media tagging BURN - 2 points per class
- Sign up by purchasing the Fall Challenge item in our store. This is not a plan/subscription. You will use your current subscription.
- Your team will have a check off sheet hung on the wall to keep track of the shenanigans!
- Team with the most points will each be awarded with a Fall Challenge Basket including a FREE Unlimited Month for all 3 members.
- Tie breakers: 1. NEW MEMBER. 2. OLD FRIEND, you win. 3. You all attended class in all 3 studios
Fall Challenge
You will need to go onto our subscription page and purchase the Fall Challenge Plan - 2 weeks for $25. All other members will use thier current membership.